The Wee One………..
Crawling out of bed..the wee one, running to the Holy Cross, to see You , to speak and plead , to love You, and take You into myself…
You placed in my heart, by Your Holy Grace, the only means in which I could trust….the only safety, at the Holy Cross….the sanctuary that gave me solace….
The deep thanksgiving in my heart for a brief taste of Peace…momentarily removed from the stench of beer and cigarettes………,and screaming and tears….
While choirs of Sisters sang in a language that I barely knew……..
And the priest, lifting You high above his head as I bow…knowing only You could save me………the tiny bread…tiny like me….that is You, Jesus….You!
And, filled with shame, I open my mouth to receive You, and pray that You understand…that You DO LOVE ME….
Little, Little Child, longing to stay forever at The Holy Cross…….are you coming with me Jesus?
Time is up….must leave….Thank You for my being safety, if only for a little while…. can I run to the Holy Cross tomorrow?
Can The wee child receive You again?????, the little one who wants the One who feeds and saves!
Years have past…all grown up now….trying so hard to trust…..
You sent me a single rose everyday when the battle was lost and the still wee child believed she had failed……….
And I ran to You, filled with shame that I could not save her, because I was saving my wee ones from the seeing violence……….and breathing in the stench of beer and cigarettes of the father who loved the mother, but fractured her, because he was fractured.
Before the earth spilled upon mother, I ran to You Lord, to the Church of the Innocents, on the Christmas Eve of my birth…and Yours.
All the years the wee one reached for You in the breaking of the bread… receive You into my broken life….
On that day, I said no to You… filled with failure I believed that You could not love me…
The day of the burial I ran to the Innocents but I did not receive You…my only Hope, My love , My safety and Salvation.
So many years gone now…father and mother gone now…falling into Your arms…..being healed from all of their hurts and pain……….
And the wee one…still on the journey, with so much to be grateful for! You gave me my one, my Always, to love me, and I him, to cherish me, and I him, to be the first in love and the last in love……to be the signpost..the bearer of roses…
And the precious babies in my arms…to love and protect forever into eternity….
Broken in so many ways with age, I walk to my Peace….dragging the foot that no longer functions…….
Joy, and peace and love fills the heart of the wee one, as she cleaves to You in Adoration….encapsulated in Eucharist, in the Bread come down from heaven…..
In the tiny bread, tiny, like the wee one, loving the One who is My Lord, My God and My All……
I open my hands to receive You and I bow low and give Thanks!
Loving You in joy and sorrow, my Jesus, by Grace and only with Your gift of Grace…..
Everything is Grace
The Wee one
The Wee One…the name that emerged from my heart, reflecting who I am in Jesus…
The Wee one who is a wife, mother, grandmother, furMommy and lover of my One Love Jesus, Savior, Redeemer, Grace, Gift and JOY!
I have been blessed with a wonderful husband, three awesome adult children and their spouses, three beautiful grandchildren, and our beloved Gabby dog.
I lean into my Beloved Jesus, and I bow low to His Presence in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar… Jesus present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the small bread of angels.
Jesus, broken on the wood of the Cross, raised to new life, granting Salvation in Him, as He shows me the Father’s love.
The Wee one, broken as well,… raised up by His love, blessed as she follows Jesus…
By His Grace and Gift…
This is her story…
There is nothing quite as wonderful as the way the body, blood, soul and divinity of the small little form of Eucharist can transform our very futures!
Blessings of the King of Glory!
Thank You for sharing
Thank you for sharing your tender and heartfelt words. Be blessed today!